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Posts Overview

An overview of the Posts area in the Control Center

Updated over a week ago

The "Posts" are in your Control Center gives you access and control over every post, comment, and reply on a post in your network.

Posts Table

The Posts table's default view will show you all posts, comments, and replies created in your network with the latest on top. Sort by "Published" [date], "Likes", and "Content".

Quick Filters

Quickly filter the table by using the Quick Filter button found on the top of the table;

All Posts: All posts, comments, and replies.

Root Posts: All posts, excluding comments and replies.

Comments: Comments and replies, excluding root posts.

Scheduled: All posts scheduled to be published [not yet published].

Featured: All posts currently marked as featured.

Premium: All posts marked as "Premium" [subscription networks only].

Has Media: All posts, comments, and replies with rich media (pics, videos, gifs)

24hrs: All posts, comments, and replies published within the last 24 hours.

Flagged: All posts, comments, and replies flagged by members.

Filter Posts

Filter posts by author, media type, group, like count, comments (and replies) count, and whether the post is marked as sponsored. Click the "Filter" button to display the filter interface, make filter selections, and click "Apply Filter". Your filter will apply to the current Quick Filter selection.

Previewing Media

The Posts table allows you to preview pics and videos without having to click away from the table view and to the post view. To preview the media, hover over the small pic in the "Media" column. This open up a larger view of the pic or video, including the ability to click through multiples pics in a post.

Table Actions

At the end of every post table row, you'll find the ••• button. Clicking this will give you access to;

"View' in the Control Center

"Edit" in the Control Center

"Make Premium" for subscription networks only

"Got to Post" in the network

"Delete" post (can not be undone)

Batch Actions

Found at the bottom left of the table is the ability to turn on batch actions, allowing you to select multiple rows of posts and perform the same action on all selected posts. Currently, the only batch action for post is "Delete" (can not be undone).

Create New Post

The primary action on this page is the "Create New Post" button, found on the top right of the page. Creating posts in the Control Center, apposed to the member applications, offers you more tools, like scheduling, sponsoring, and creating livestreams using RTMP.

Read "Posts: Creating & Editing" to learn more.

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