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Post Notification Email

This article details how to send a post notification email to community members when publishing a post from the Control Center.

Updated over a year ago

How To Send a Post Notification Email

A post notification email can only be sent when creating a post in the Control Center. Only admins, who have access to the Control Center, including group admins, can send post notification emails.

  1. Log in to the Control Center (read: How To Access The Control Center)

  2. Create a new post (read: Creating & Editing a Post)

  3. In the "Send Post Email" section, turn the "Send post email when published" toggle to the on position.

  4. When published, the post notification email will be sent to every registered, approved member in your community (not banned members or unapproved members in private networks).

How To Send a Post Notification Email Only To a Group

  1. Follow the steps above.

  2. Click the "+ Add Available Post Setting" button and select "Post to Group", search for and select the group you wish to publish the post to.

  3. When published, the post notification email will be sent to every registered, approved member in your community who belongs to the group (not banned group members or unapproved group members).

Email Design

The beautifully designed HTML email responds to many different aspects of the post. Careful consideration was taken to make sure the email displays consistently across desktop and mobile email clients, aside from a limited few, historically difficult (we're looking at your Outlook) email clients.

The design is reminiscent of the post preview card displayed in feeds in the network. This makes it recognizable and easily read by your community members.

  1. Community Icon

  2. Community Name

  3. Email header subtitle; responds to the type of post (text, image, video, and live stream), if it was posted in a group, and if it's a premium post (subscription communities only)

  4. Media "cover" image.
    Premium Content: This image will be pixelated for members who do NOT have access to premium content.

  5. Author information: Avatar, Name, and handle.

  6. Timestamp and Group the post was published to (if published to a group)

  7. Post title, if the post has a title

  8. Post body. Post body will be truncated (cut off) at a character length.

  9. Post attachments. The fist attachment is displayed if there is more than one attachment.

  10. Contextual CTA responds to post type

  11. Primary CTA responds to post type

  12. Honeycommb branding, removed for networks with "White Label Bundle".

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